How Cross Point Church Engages Digital Discipleship

“We are all looking for a place to belong and something to believe in. Tether provides both - a safe place to connect with people while discovering, learning and growing in our relationship with God.”

February 19, 2024

Digital spiritual support was a priority, but falling by the wayside

“We felt like we were spending so much time and energy putting traditional content inside our (church) app, things like sermon vidoes, but not feeling like anyone was being transformed for the better because of it.” After years of using a third-party provider for their chuch-app, the team at Cross Point was beginning to consider building their own platform. “Despite the prospect of spending millions on a custom platform, we simply could not find a digital solution that would actually help our people grow.”

Tether was the platform Cross Point always wanted

“When we first looked at Tether we thought, this is it; this is the platform we wanted to build for ourselves.” Cross Point had been experimenting with protypes internally that would allow their people to connect within natural groups (small groups, families, affinity groups) and grow alongside one another. “Instead of having to build a solution from scratch, Tether gave us a bedrock on which to develop our own discipleship strategies.”

We can’t wait to see how our creative team leverages the Tether platform to create experiences that actually move people to practice and not just listen! - Chris Nichols, Pastor

Incredible tools out-of-the-box and the opportunity to be creative

“We loved that, not only could our creative team build unique experiences within Tether, but that we could give our people tools and content that helped them grow without us lifting a finger. As people began to use the platform, we noticed habits being completed and groups being formed, without any outside input.” This stands as a testament to the ease-of-use and adoption by end users.

A simple launch with lasting engagement

“The Tether team was incredible. They came to our office, met with a core set of leaders, recorded the meeting, invited all of our people, and made sure our people were supported. We didn’t have to do a thing.” Launching a new program during the summer is often considered difficult. But within two weeks, Cross Point was seeing a healthy adoption rate, and plans are in place to reach full adoption by the start of the fall semester.

Now that Tether has launched among a select group of leaders, the Tether Team is preparing to open up and launch Tether with their entire congregation this fall. Leaning on Tether has given Cross Point the opportunity to implement a spiritual formation-oriented solution in as little as two weeks.

Built for faith-driven organizations,
by faith-driven leaders.
Our team, funders, and advisors are leading the way on the redemptive use of technology for faith-driven organizations.
Henry Kaestner
Faith Driven Entrepreneur
Kara Powell
Fuller Youth Institute
David Bailey
Eric Brown